How to cook turkey in pieces?

Turkey - not only useful, but also very delicious and tender meat. Especially attractive and mouth-watering this product is obtained by frying it in a frying pan in pieces. We offer variants of such preparation below in our recipes.

How to fry a turkey in a frying pan with pieces of sour cream - recipe



For the preparation of turkey pieces in a frying pan, the poultry without a skin is washed, dried and cut into small slices. We put the meat in a frying pan with warm oil without aroma and give the pieces a good brown, then add peeled and cut into rings or rings onions and fry together for several more minutes. Now spread to the meat with onions fatty sour cream, pour in vegetable or meat broth, add salt to taste, pepper ground and dry aromatic herbs of your choice.

How much further to extinguish a turkey by pieces in a frying pan depends on the size of pieces of poultry meat. On average, in order for a turkey to reach the required degree of softness, it will be enough fifteen minutes. In conclusion, we season the dish with peeled and melenko chopped garlic and fresh herbs and give five to ten minutes to stand under the lid.

Roasted turkey in a frying pan with bits of oatmeal



Cut the turkey fillet pieces across the fibers and beat off a little with a kitchen hammer, covering the meat for convenience food film. We clear the onion and rub it on the grater. Place the onion mass in a bowl, add the egg, mayonnaise, pour in the flour, salt, ground black pepper, lay the beaten slices of the bird into the resulting mixture, mix and leave to marinate for about an hour.

For breading, we need small oatmeal. If necessary, grind the product slightly in the bowl of the blender. Warm up the pan with a sufficient amount of oil, panning the mashed turkey slices in the oatmeal and letting them brown on both sides.