Blackberry raisin

Raisins from chryoplodki by their taste qualities are not inferior to the traditional grape, and by the number of utensils contained in it many times exceeds. Especially a lot in this costume of vitamins P and B, fluoride, iron and iodine. It has antioxidant, anti-allergic properties, reduces high blood pressure and intracranial pressure, and also helps in the treatment of many diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive organs, as well as endocrine and cardiovascular systems. So why not make such a valuable product at home, especially since it's absolutely easy to do.

How to make raisins from chard?



Taking for the preparation of raisins, we first sort out the berries of blackberry, getting rid of doubtful specimens. Now, from the water indicated in the recipe for the amount of sugar and citric acid, cook sour-sweet syrup, waiting for the dissolution of all the crystals. We dip into the boiling homogeneous mixture prepared rinsed berries of mountain ash and after repeated boiling we cook for twenty minutes, supporting a moderate fire.

Now merge the black cherry into a colander and leave it for a while to drain. After that, we spread the berries with one layer on the sheets covered with parchment, and leave them for drying and drying in the heat, stirring them from time to time.

You can use not only raisins, but also syrup, which brewed berries. Diluting it with water, we get an incredibly useful drink or a base for jelly. And if you pour them in their pure form casseroles, pancakes or puddings, their taste will become richer, and the benefits of the meal will multiply.

Raisins from blackberry with lemon juice in electric dryer



Raisins from chokeberry can also be made with the help of an electric stove. Time for dried berries will be required in this case is much less, and the likelihood that they will deteriorate before they dry up, reduces to zero.

The principle of processing berries before drying is identical to the one described above with minor changes. For the syrup in this case, we will use smaller proportions of granulated sugar and instead of citric acid add the juice squeezed from the lemon.

Mix the water with sugar and lemon juice, let all the crystals dissolve, and syrup boil, and immerse the prepared black cherry in it. Just like in the previous case, cook berries for twenty minutes, and then merge onto a sieve and leave for a while to drain. Then we spread out the rowan on a pallet with small holes and dry at a temperature of 40-45 degrees for eight to ten hours or until it is ready.

The syrup remaining after cooking is poured over clean containers, covered with lids and stored until used in a cool place.

In a similar manner, you can prepare raisins from a black cherry in the oven, using it instead of an electric dryer. For this, the berries prepared and boiled in the syrup are laid out on a sheet of parchment lined with a pan and dried at a temperature of forty to fifty degrees with the door slightly opened, periodically mixing.

How to store raisins from chickpeas?

Correctly cooked and dried raisins from black-cherry does not require any special conditions for storage. It is enough to put it in glass dry jars, cardboard boxes or wooden boxes, cover with a lid and place in a ventilated place with low humidity and without foreign odors.