Yogurt at home

Everyone is aware of the benefits and strength of sour-milk products, which have a positive effect on our body. Their variety is very great, but today we want to pay attention to yogurt, because it is the most useful, but also delicious. Let's look at a few recipes for a delicious, wonderful yogurt that can be made at home.

Yogurt at home without leaven



The chosen kind of milk we will not boil, because there is no need for it. Pour it into a thoroughly washed pan and heat it over medium heat of the gas cooker to 40, maximum to 44 degrees. Prior to the warm state, we warm up a glass of "Aktivia" in a container with hot water, and afterwards we put the contents into milk. Stir yogurt in milk with a hand-made whisk. Then, also carefully dissolve in this mixture of dried milk. The resulting homogeneous billet for yogurt is poured on special jar yogurt bottles. Set them and determine the time 8 hours, then cover everything with a lid and run the yogurt girl . The device will turn off after the time has elapsed and it will be possible to move the containers with an hourly yogurt to 3 in the refrigerator.

Natural yogurt at home without yogurtnitsy



Fresh milk is poured into a large, sterilely clean pan and necessarily subjected to its boiling process for 13-14 minutes in medium fire mode. After, cool our milk to such an extent that it is possible to keep the pinky at least for 15-20 seconds. We pour out about 150 milliliters of milk and mix the contents of "Narine" bags in it. We pour everything into the total mass and mix the yeast with all the milk. Close the container with a lid and put it in the warmest place. On top of the pot covered with a couple of dense terry towels. After 12 hours, your yogurt cooked at home can be considered ready. But for a complete end, it's better to cool it in the fridge, and then enjoy the yummy.

Greek yogurt at home



We pour the milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom of stainless steel and place it on the hotplate plate with moderate fire on. After boiling, it is desirable to boil the milk for at least 8-10 minutes. After, move our pan to a cooler place, but we make sure that the milk is not cooler than 40 degrees. In the deep pial, we spread the yogurt we bought and add to it the same amount of milk from the pan. Stirring, we put them together, and afterwards we put everything in a pan with milk and again thoroughly mix it. With a suitable lid, close the container with the future yoghurt and wrap it up properly. We put everything in a warm place for at least 11-12 hours.

A colander or a sieve is covered with three folded sterile gauze and we move the cooked yoghurt into it. The colander is put on the container and we send this construction to the cold store. After 3-4 hours, when the excess liquid of whey drips from the yogurt, we shift the Greek yoghurt remaining in the colander by serving jars.