Diet with gastritis of the stomach

Diet with gastritis of the stomach is a very important component of well-being and prevention of the absence of exacerbations. Unfortunately, many people neglect this and continue to eat incorrectly, further exacerbating their condition. The organism is hard to fight this disease, and you can easily relieve its burden if you stick to a diet for gastritis patients.

Diet with exacerbation of gastritis

Sadly, the most popular is still a diet for acute gastritis. After all, while gastritis calms down and does not make itself felt, patients often do not seek to control their diet.

On the first day of an exacerbation it is recommended to refuse food, having chosen the herbal tea, which you need to drink at least two liters. On the second day, you can connect oatmeal jelly, meat soufflé and other soft and delicate foods that would fit even the kids. But from the third day you need to return to a more or less normal sparing diet with gastritis:

Diet during gastritis suggests that the basis for nutrition, you must take the products listed here. Even if you want to diversify the diet after it gets easier, it's important to remember the list of prohibited foods that no diet for gastritis will allow:

It should be noted that all the same principles must be followed and those who practice a diet with superficial gastritis.

Gastritis with high acidity: diet

This is the most common type of gastritis, which requires a special diet that excludes all products that stimulate the production of acid. Permitted products are quite diverse even under this condition:

Diet with chronic gastritis of this type forces you to abandon once and for all products from rye, puff and dough; the rest of the diet should be similar to the described. If you follow your figure, it is important to remember that a diet for gastritis for weight loss should consist only of those products that are included in the list of allowed, but they should be arranged so that the total daily intake of calories does not exceed 1200 kcal. in a day.