Diet from cellulite - a menu for 10 days

Every woman dreams of getting rid of the hideous orange peel. However, not many understand that to achieve certain results it is important to work hard on your own body. Thus one of the important moments should be a diet from a cellulitis. What should be the right food against cellulite offer to find out.

How to eat properly with cellulite?

The slags produced by the body are deposited in the subcutaneous tissue and are mainly fat deposits. As a result, mounds are formed, and the body becomes less attractive. Nutrition is one of the most important factors in the fight against orange peel. Everyone wishing to become a beautiful woman should know when there is cellulite what products to exclude:

The ingestion of dyes and food additives may contribute to the slagging of the body. To prevent this from happening, it is better to cook food yourself with fresh vegetables and fruits. Negatively affect the body and artificial sugar substitutes, leading to additional production of insulin, which can cause accumulation of excess fluid in the body. Proper nutrition from cellulite is the best assistant.

Diet against cellulite

A unique diet to get rid of cellulite allows you to use these products:

Among prohibited products:

An example menu might look like this:

  1. Morning : boiled egg (1 piece), or skim cottage cheese (not more than one hundred grams), a couple of fruits, a glass of tea, or freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Lunch : boiled meat (100 g), corn, or green peas (150 g), fresh vegetables, freshly squeezed juice.
  3. Dinner : rice, or buckwheat, boiled vegetables (no more than 200 g).

Ducant diet against cellulite

This method of weight loss consists of four phases:

  1. The first one is called "Attack" and here the protein predominates.
  2. The second one is called "Cruise". For certain days it is necessary to add vegetables.
  3. The third phase is called Consolidation. It is a fixative, when it is necessary to gradually return to the usual rhythm of life.
  4. The fourth phase is called "Stabilization". It stabilizes the process of digestion and metabolism.

The diet from the cellulite menu on the first phase offers this:

  1. Breakfast : omelet, fish, coffee, or tea.
  2. Lunch : baked or boiled meat, juice (except banana and grape).
  3. Snack : cheese (no more than twenty grams), seafood.
  4. Supper : low-fat fish, yogurt, or kefir.

Anti-cellulite diet for 10 days

A unique anti-cellulite diet for 10 days of the menu is uncomplicated. So on odd days - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 it is recommended:

  1. Eat only vegetables and fruits in raw form.
  2. For breakfast, there is only fruit.
  3. In the afternoon, prepare a vegetable salad dressed with olive oil. A great addition will be cashews, seeds, pumpkin seeds.
  4. For dinner, you can eat vegetable salads and fruits separately.
  5. Of fruits, it is better to choose pineapples, grapefruits, oranges, kiwi, mango, apples.

On the second day you only need fruit, except bananas. On the 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th days it is recommended:

  1. Eat boiled vegetables.
  2. Add cereals to the ration.

The menu these days can be as follows:

  1. Breakfast: no more than three hundred grams of fruit and one glass of juice.
  2. Lunch: one serving of fresh vegetables and a portion of boiled vegetables.
  3. Dinner: raw vegetables and a couple of spoons of unsalted cereal.

Protein diet and cellulite

The main principles of such a method as a diet from cellulite is a complete rejection of:

All day you can drink in any quantity of pure still water. A fast diet from cellulite offers any cooked fish, lean meat, eggs and cottage cheese dishes. At the same time, they must necessarily have a low fat content. In addition, it is allowed to eat vegetables and fruits, drink yogurt and yogurt. An important condition is to avoid foods rich in carbohydrates and fats.