Foods high in vitamin C

Unfortunately, but the human body can not produce vitamin C on its own, therefore, the only way to get it is to eat foods high in vitamin C.

What is it for?

This vitamin is necessary for normal growth of cells in the body, as well as for better assimilation of carbohydrates. If the body has a sufficient amount of vitamin C , then the work of internal organs improves and immunity is strengthened. In addition, it participates in the formation of bone tissue.

Where is a lot of vitamin C?

  1. First place in the ranking of products is kiwi. This berry, and not fruit, as many believe, is recommended, is with the skin, as it contains a lot of coarse fibers that help to excrete various toxins from the body. Thanks to this, immunity is greatly strengthened.
  2. The next product, where a lot of vitamins C is an orange. Daily enough to eat 1 medium fruit, to provide the body with the necessary amount of ascorbic acid. The juice of this citrus helps to get rid of beriberi, besides it digestion improves. It is also useful to use other citrus fruits: lemon, grapefruit, etc.
  3. A useful berry, which contains vitamin C more than citrus - rose hips. Just consider the fact that the heat treatment of its amount is significantly reduced. But despite this and in dried berries contains a lot of ascorbic acid.
  4. Another berry that contains vitamin C is raspberry. It is widely used in medicine, for example, the dried version is used to make antipyretics, and syrup for potions. Raspberry protects the cells of the body and improves immunity.

Vegetables, where there is a lot of vitamin C

  1. Among vegetables, the first place is occupied by red bell pepper. The positive side of this vegetable is that it improves the condition of the vessels and resists the formation of cancer cells.
  2. In cabbage, vitamin C persists for as long as possible. By the amount of ascorbic acid, this product is ahead of lemon and mandarin. In addition, the vegetable is rich other vitamins and microelements, thanks to which the work of the stomach and intestines improves.
  3. Tomatoes of late varieties contain a large amount of vitamin C, in addition, they include many other useful substances that positively affect the work of the heart, vessels, and improve memory and strengthen immunity .
  4. Onion is very useful for strengthening immunity, but it is better to choose green feathers. Many doctors recommend to use it during the spring vitamin deficiency. To make up for the daily intake, it's enough to eat only 100 g. In addition to ascorbic acid, this product contains many other useful substances. Green onions are an excellent remedy for the prevention of colds.