Icon "Skoroposlushnitsa" - meaning, what helps?

On the icon of the Mother of God "Skoroposlushnitsa" is depicted the Virgin Mary with a baby in her left hand. A god-child with one hand blesses the people, and in the other she squeezes the scroll. Another important detail - the heel of the baby is directed to the praying people. The image refers to the type of the Hodigitria or the "Guidebook". The philosophical meaning of the icon reminds people of the boundless love of God , because every person who sincerely appeals to the Higher Powers will certainly be heard.

The icon is located on the holy Mount Athos in the monastery Dohyar. According to the existing information, the face was painted in the tenth century after the blessing of the founder of the Athonite Dohiaar monastery. The name of the icon was received in the XVII century, when thanks to her a real miracle happened.

How did the icon "Skoroposlushnitsa" and its meaning

In the middle of the XVII century in the monastery on Mount Athos lived the monk Nile, who was a trapezar. Every day entering the refectory, he inattentively blew his image with the image of the Mother of God, which is located near the entrance. One day, passing by the face, he heard a voice that ordered no longer to burn the icon. Neil paid no attention to this and continued to repeat his usual actions. After a while the voice again turned to the monk and said that he behaves unworthily and therefore he is deprived of sight. Neal was very frightened and began to repent. Every day he cried and asked God's Mother for forgiveness, wanting to regain his sight. After a while, prayer was heard, and again the voice turned to the monk. He said that Neal begged forgiveness, and his sight will be returned. Another voice ordered from that time to call the icon "Skoroposlushnitsa", as she will soon fulfill all the requests of people. It happened in 1664 on November 9.

After that, the place where the icon was located was fenced, and on the right side a temple was built in honor of the image. Every evening on Tuesday and Thursday near the icon the canon of the Mother of God is sung.

What are the icons of the Mother of God "Skoroposlushnitsa"?

Since women can not get to Mount Athos, it was decided to make a list with an image that bears the same name. The copy is periodically taken out of the monastery and updated by the procession around it so that everyone could turn to the image.

Other famous lists of the icon "Skoroposlushnitsa":

What helps the icon "Skoroposlushnitsa" and its meaning

The image of the Mother of God helps all people who seek help with a pure heart. The clergymen use the icon while exorcising demons from a person. In ancient times, icons were prayed during various natural disasters, wars and other tragic events, when it was necessary to preserve human life.

What are they praying for the icon "Skoroposlushnitsa":

  1. Many are turning to the Mother of God to find the right solution in a difficult situation. Higher powers will help you to understand your own thoughts and choose the right direction.
  2. Women who want to give birth to a healthy child without any complications turn to the icon. In addition, prayer helps for a long time to preserve milk for breastfeeding.
  3. Another important point, which helps the icon "Skoroposlushnitsa" - getting rid of various diseases. There is evidence that an appeal to the Mother of God helped restore sight, recover from cancer, lameness, etc.
  4. Mothers pray to the icon "Skoroposlushnitsa" to protect their children from various problems, illnesses and troubles.

Turning to the Mother of God, you do not need to think about how you can solve existing problems, the main thing is to sincerely state your experiences. Before the image, you need to light a candle and read a prayer or Akathist.

The first prayer of the icon is "Skoroposlushnitsa":

"O, Most Holy Devo, Mother of the Lord of the High, Commendable to the intercessor of all, to You with faith in those who come! Look down from the height of your heavenly majesty to the less well-worn, falling to your icon, hear a humble prayer soon for the less sinful and bring it to your Son: beseech Him, let my divine grace illuminate my gloomy soul with light, and purify my mind from the thoughts of vanities, and soothe My heart is desperate, and its wounds are cleansed, so that I may reason with my good deeds, and strengthen my work with fear, that all the evil that I have committed will forgive me, that I may deliver eternal torment and not deprive my heavenly kingdom of heaven. O most blessed Mother of God: Thou hast pleased Thy eagerness in the image of Thyself, who instruct all to come unto thee with faith: shalt not take heed to the afflicted, and forbid that I perish in the depths of my sins. On T'a, according to Boz, all my hope and hope of salvation, and your covering and representation, I commit to myself for ever. Amen".

The second prayer:

"The blessed Lady, the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, the God of the Word, is more than any word for our salvation born, and His grace is more abundant than anyone else, the sea of ​​divine gifts and miracles is a flowing river that pours out goodness to all who believe in you! To the miraculous Your image pripadayusche, we pray to You, the all-kindred Mother of the loving-kind Lord, the surprise on us Thy mercy of Thy mercy, and our petitions, brought to Thee, O quick-doer, speed up all that is to the benefit of the comfort and salvation that co-ordinates. Visiting, Delivering, Thy servant by Thy grace, give to the unfortunate goal and perfect health, the subdued silence, the captives of freedom, and the various images of the afflicted. Deliver, All-Merciful Mistress, every hailstones and country from the slough, the plague, the coward, the flood, the fire, the sword and the other executions of time and eternity, Mentally daring the wrath of God with your boldness; and the spiritual relaxation, the sorrow of the passions and Fall, free Thy servants, as though in every pious life in this pious life, and in the future eternal blessings we are honored with the grace and love of Thy Son and God, All glory, honor and worship with the Fatherless Father and by the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".