Onion salad

In the holiday season in nature, many are in search of light and delicious salads that saturate without a feeling of overeating and are great for meat. Onion salad, which will be discussed later, is just one of these dishes.

Onion salad to shish kebab



Before you cook onion salad, pour the onion rings with boiling water to save them from excessive bitterness and unpleasant odor. Still not cooled onion pour vinegar and let cool. Cut the cucumber and mix it with the pickled onions. A little oil, greens of dill, and the addition to meat is ready!

Onion salad in French

French salad in our region is usually called an appetizer based on a combination of onions and apples. We allowed ourselves to slightly improve the recipe by adding the dish with crispy leaves of young cabbage and light dressing with French mustard.



Leaves of young cabbage thinly chop and mix with grated carrots, apple and onion rings. For filling, enough to whip yogurt with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and mustard, and the resulting mixture to season onion salad with an apple before the meal.

Onion salad with egg - recipe

A slightly more refined variation of onion salad includes red fish and capers. This dish can become an independent snack at a summer cottage picnic with a glass of wine.



While the chicken egg is brewed hard, slice thin tomatoes, sweet onions and peppers (previously cleaned from the seed box) together with the cucumber in thin slices. On the dish, put a handful of the ready salad mix and cover the green cushion with prepared vegetables. Cool, peel and slice a boiled egg. Lay the egg over the salad with slices of salmon and capers. Pour the dish with a simple dressing of olive oil, beaten with lemon juice.