Salad with pickled cucumbers

Salted cucumbers make the dishes, in which they are included, more piquant and tasty. Below you are waiting for recipes for cooking salads with pickled cucumbers.

Potato salad with pickled cucumbers



Potatoes, pickled cucumbers, onions and mushrooms are cut into cubes. Add the crushed parsley greens. We connect all the ingredients, season the salad with black pepper, vegetable oil and mix!

Hepatic salad with pickled cucumbers



The liver is cleaned from the films, mine, we put it in a saucepan and cook until ready. After that, the liver is cooled and shredded with thin straws. Carrots boil, clean and three on a grater for carrots in Korean. Cooked eggs cut small cubes. We clean the onions and shred small cubes. If you want to remove its bitter aftertaste, we will fill it with boiling water. Salted cucumbers cut with rings, and one of them is left whole - it is needed for decoration. We connect carrots, liver, onions and eggs, put mayonnaise, salt and mix. On top of the salad with liver and pickled cucumbers, we decorate on top with cherry tomatoes, cucumber rings and carrot threads.

Shakhtarsky salad with pickled cucumbers



We cut beef with thin straws. The easiest way to do this is if the meat is slightly frozen. Carrots, too, we cut straws, and onions - semirings. Fry beef in the minimum amount of oil in a frying pan with Teflon coating. We put the cooked meat in a colander, so that the remains of the oil are drained. Similarly, prepare onions and carrots - individually fry a little, and then - in a colander. Mix the prepared ingredients, add the cucumbers, cut into the rest of the ingredients with straws, chopped garlic and mayonnaise. A good mix and all, you can serve salad to the table! Well, it's better to put it in the refrigerator - the salad will only taste better!

Salad puff with pickled cucumbers



Vegetables (potatoes, carrots and beets) boil right in the skin, and then cool and grind with a large grater. Salted cucumbers, hard cheese and egg, boiled hard boiled, crushed in the same way. In mayonnaise, add sour cream. If necessary, podsalivaem and mix. Ingredients lay out layers: potatoes, carrots, pickles, beets, hard cheese and eggs. All layers are smeared with prepared sauce. Top of a simple, but delicious salad with pickled cucumbers sprinkled with chopped green onions.

Delicious salad with pickled cucumbers



Champignons cut into small pieces, and onions - half rings. Fry both products together until ready. Smoked chicken and pickled cucumbers cut into cubes. We connect all the ingredients, add mayonnaise and mix. We decorate a salad with leaves of parsley and semicircles of salted cucumbers.