The Benefits of Tomatoes

We eat tomatoes almost all year round, many dishes can not do without them, but very few people thought about how useful these fruits are.

The Benefits of Tomatoes

Not so long ago, specialists were able to prove that tomatoes are the most valuable source of lycopene. This biologically active substance protects the DNA of cells from spontaneous mutations, which lead to uncontrolled division and the appearance of a cancerous tumor. Thus, regular consumption of tomatoes helps to significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. More lycopene is found in high-quality tomato paste or tomato juice, because they are concentrated products. Tomatoes must be included in the diet for those who have a predisposition to cancer. In the risk group are elderly people, those who have decreased immunity, as well as persons whose relatives have had tumors.

Tocopherol is another powerful antioxidant that contains tomatoes, and its benefits for women are very high. This compound, by the way, like lycopene, is better assimilated in the presence of fats, therefore it is necessary to add vegetable oils to tomatoes. A sufficient intake of vitamin E in the body helps slow the aging of cells, so many of the rejuvenating face masks can detect tomatoes. In addition, tocopherol provides a normal work of the female reproductive system.

Also tomatoes are the source:

In this regard, tomatoes are useful in the violation of the cardiovascular system. In general, their regular use helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

More recently, scientists have discovered another useful property of tomatoes. As it turned out, they contain substances that can prevent the formation of blood clots. Therefore now people with thrombophlebitis are recommended to include tomatoes in their diet. Those who follow the figure, the question arises whether it is possible to tomatoes on a diet. Fortunately, these useful fruits contain a minimum of calories. Since there are a lot of fiber in tomatoes, they even help to suppress hunger . Tomatoes are also useful because they contain a large amount of water.

Nutritionists are advised to add tomatoes to their menu to those who have gastritis with a low acidity. Organic acids, contained in fruits, will help to normalize the environment in the stomach.

It is worth noting that the benefits of fresh tomatoes are greater than those that have been processed. The least useful compounds remain in fried or stewed tomatoes.

Possible damage from tomatoes

Like any product, tomatoes carry both beneficial properties and harm. For example, from their use it is better to refrain from people prone to allergic reactions. In addition, tomatoes can cause exacerbation of cholecystitis or gastritis due to the presence of organic acids.

These fruits, as well as the juice obtained from them, promote the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys, so tomatoes are not recommended to eat those who had attacks of renal colic. In addition, tomatoes provoke the deposition of salts, in connection with this they are contraindicated to people with gout. Finally, pickled tomatoes should be very carefully used by hypertensive patients, since in such fruits there is a lot of salt that detains the liquid. This applies to any kind of tomato.