Beans in pots

Beans are a very satisfying product. By the amount of protein it is able to compete with meat. It is added to soups, borscht and salads. And we'll tell you now how to cook beans in a pot.

Beans in pots with meat



Beans are poured with water and leave the hour for 4. Then drain this water, pour in fresh and cook the beans until ready. We chop the onion, cut the meat and mushrooms in small pieces. Pepper is cleaned from seeds and cut into strips. Tomatoes are cut into cubes. Fry onions in vegetable oil, add meat and lightly fry, add mushrooms, salt and pepper. Now spread the peppers and tomatoes and fry the minutes. We spread to the bottom of the pot half of the meat with vegetables, on top of the beans, and on top of the rest of the meat. Pour water (50 ml). We close the pots with lids and send them to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Bake for about 1 hour. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Chanakhi in pots with beans



Eggplants are peeled and cut into cubes, salt and left for half an hour, and then washed under running water. Cut the potatoes into slices. Carrots - circles, chop the onions. Pepper is cleaned from the core and cut into cubes. Tomatoes are peeled. To make it easier to do, we fill them with boiling water, then we clean it, and cut the flesh into cubes. Champignons are cut into cubes and fried together with onions until ready, and then poured into taste.

Prepared eggplants are also fried in vegetable oil. Beans boil until cooked. Cut the meat into small pieces and also fry. Now in the pots, lay out the ingredients in layers: chicken, crushed fresh onion, carrots, potatoes, fried mushrooms with onions, eggplant, sweet pepper, beans, tomatoes, salt, pepper to taste, add bay leaf. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. We bake chanah about 1 hour. In the finished dish, add chopped garlic, greens, cover the pots with lids and let stand for another 10 minutes, after which we serve to the table.

The recipe for beans in a pot



Beans are soaked for the night. Then drain the water, pour in fresh and boil the beans until ready for about 1 hour. Then the broth is poured into a separate container. In the pots we lay out layers: boiled beans, chopped onions, again beans and onions. Pour approximately 50 ml of bean broth, add the pepper and put the pots in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Half an hour later, the beans stewed in the pots will be ready.

Pork with beans in pots



Grind the onion and pass it on vegetable oil. Potatoes are cleaned, cut and in salted water we boil until half-ready. Cut the meat into small pieces. Put it in a frying pan with onion, salt, pepper and fry for 7 minutes. At the bottom of the pots we lay out the meat, we put frozen beans on the bottom (we do not need to defrost beforehand), then - the potatoes. We pour into each pot about 30-40 ml of water (you can use the one in which the potatoes were cooked). From above we put a thin layer of mayonnaise. Cover the pots with lids and bake at about 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.