Diet "The Six Petals"

This name was given to the six-day diet of Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. To make the process of losing weight easier and more focused, the author of this diet suggests to designate her as six petals of chamomile, each of which symbolizes one day. On the petals it is written what kind of food it is permissible to eat today.

The principle of the diet of Anna Johansson

The petal diet is built on the principle of alternating days of protein and carbohydrate nutrition. The Swedish dietician is sure that such diurnal mono diets are the best guarantee for losing weight.

The diet of the 6-petal diet looks like this:

  1. 1st day: fish. Any fish, prepared by any means, as well as fish broth is allowed.
  2. 2nd day: vegetables. Any vegetables, also cooked in any way, are allowed.
  3. Day 3: chicken meat. Chicken breast meat (without skin), cooked by any means, and broth from it are allowed.
  4. 4th day: cereals. Resolved: sprouted seeds, seeds, bran, cereal bread and any cereal.
  5. 5th day: cottage cheese. Low-fat cottage cheese is allowed, as well as low-fat milk.
  6. 6th day: fruit. All fruits (excluding grapes and bananas) are allowed - raw or baked, as well as fruit juices without sugar.


Diet of 6 petals: benefit or harm?

Anna Johansson's diet is sometimes considered to be the most balanced and safe among the proposed mono-diet. Does it have flaws, and can this diet of petals bring us any harm?

Read the following:

  1. For normal life, our body needs daily food products of all major groups - which we do not find in the Johansson diet.
  2. 6-petal diet for 6 days allows you to lose from 3 to 6 kilograms of weight. Safe for health slimming is a mark that does not exceed two kilograms per week.
  3. The European Center for Weight Loss says that any mono-diet with a duration of up to 25 hours affects the fat tissue most effectively. However, one should take into account that with normal nutrition, our body is able to burn up to 150 grams of adipose tissue daily. This means that the rest of the weight loss is already due to changes in the muscle tissue, the restoration of which we need a very long time.
  4. The source of energy for our body is carbohydrate food. For this reason, on the purely protein days provided for by the Johansson diet, you may lack the strength to perform any physical activity.

Considering the above, it can be said that it is advisable to use a diet of six petals only in that extreme case, when for some reason you need to urgently reduce your weight - with the obligatory condition that you are absolutely healthy. In any case, keep in mind that a moderate balanced diet allows you not only to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, but also to maintain weight at the desired level, while a petal diet of such a guarantee does not give you.