How to understand that you love?

Everyone has experienced ever or in love, or a feeling of love. But there are periods in life when you ask yourself "how to understand whether you love" and begin to break through the entire library, trying to find a clue in the teachings of psychologists and philosophers.

Let's try to figure out how to understand that you love a person, distinguishing love and love.

"I do not understand - love or not?"

Psychoanalysts, psychologists seek to uncover the secrets of both nature and the human body, its perception of love.

Before you understand whether you love a person, you need to find out for yourself what love and love are.

So, love is capable of being either inferior or natural. In the life of every person, there was a natural love. Most often, it was during the adolescent period of a person's life, when you are fond of a peer or some idol. In the adult period, love is accompanied by fantasy, human hormones in connection with the attraction to a representative of the opposite sex. The most interesting thing is that a person can be in love for many years.

Love, which belongs to the form of inferior quality, paralyzes the will of man, his mind. It is such a strong feeling that it can bring a man in love with mental illnesses, and moreover - before suicide.

Alas, but there is still no science of love. And due to the fact that many newlyweds did not even have time to let their love into their lives, they blamed their partner for divorce, but did not emphasize that they did not know anything about love.

How to understand that you love a person?

Contributed to the development of knowledge about love, strange as it may sound, but biologists, whose activities are connected with the study of evolution problems. They argue that in people who really love each other, children are healthier and more resilient. And this suggests that love is a kind of species sign.

Let's give an example of the signs by which you can determine what you really love, not love.

  1. You know about the shortcomings of your man, but you can understand and forgive it.
  2. Do not close from the outside world. That is, love, unlike love, does not act overwhelmingly.
  3. You are not afraid of separation.
  4. Love is a feeling of reciprocity.
  5. You are comfortable, free when you are near your loved one
  6. Love and suffering, depression are not compatible concepts.

"I realized that I love the former"

But, if it so happens that you, despite being loved in the present, realized that you have some feelings for your past, we recommend that you get rid of addiction to memories. Remember that you need to live today and appreciate what you have. Find the positive aspects in your present.

So, every person is capable of love. To do this, the main thing is to decide to let love into your life.