Lemon shortcake

What can be more delicious than a slice of tender and melt in the mouth, a pie having a delicate aroma and piquant sourness? Lemon pie from short pastry can be served to a cup of tea or coffee, having pleased not only the unexpected guests, but also relatives.

Sand cake with lemon filling


For filling:


So, first we need to knead a short dough with you. To do this, take frozen in advance, a solid butter, rub it on a grater and mix it with sifted flour until the condition of a homogeneous crumb. Then add low-fat sour cream and thoroughly mix the mass until smooth. After that, roll the dough into a smooth bowl, put it in a bowl, close the lid and put it away for half an hour in the fridge.

In the meantime, let's find out with you how to make a delicious lemon pie filling. Lemon is thoroughly washed with warm water, wiped with a kitchen towel, we cover it with steep boiling water and rub it on a melon grater. Next, pour in the sugar and thoroughly rub it all with a fork, draining out excess liquid if necessary. The form for baking is laid with parchment, we spread evenly the greater part of the cooled dough, we distribute it on the whole surface and form low sides. We pierce the workpiece in several places with a fork, pour out the lemon cream and cover the sand pie with the second dough layer, pre-rolled into a thin layer with a rolling pin. Plot tightly fix the edges in a circle and lubricate the surface with egg yolk beaten with sugar. We send the dessert to the preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. Before serving, sprinkle the lemon cake with shallow powdered sugar powder or crushed almonds.

Lemon shortcake


For filling:


We remove the oil in advance into the freezer and leave it there for 30 minutes. This time we take a deep bowl, sift the flour into it and throw a pinch of salt. We take out the cooled cream butter and rub it on the largest grater over the flour. Soda mixed with low-fat sour cream and pour the mixture into a crumb. Quickly knead the dough with your hands, roll it into a ball and put it in the refrigerator. We mark about 30 minutes, but for now we are going to prepare the filling. We take lemons, carefully washing them with a brush and cut into small pieces, removing the bones. Then transfer them into the bowl of the blender, pour sugar and whisk until smooth. Chilled dough we roll out on a table, sprinkled with flour, we shift the layer into a split form, lubricated with oil, and form high bows. Sprinkle the workpiece with starch and in several places we make punctures with a fork. We send the form to the oven and bake the cake until half-ready for 5-7 minutes. Next, pour the filling and evenly distribute it with a spoon. Egg whites are cooled in the refrigerator, and then whisked with a mixer, adding a little sugar powder. The resultant meringue is spread over the lemon cream and put the cake in the oven. Bake it until browning, checking the readiness of the wooden stick. The ready delicacy is cooled, cut into pieces and served to the table.