Who are the vegans - the most famous vegans in the world

A healthy lifestyle has certain rules, the most important is the diet. Several groups and food systems have been formed - meat eaters and vegetarians, the main, but intensively developing and others who are vegans - try to understand and understand their basic philosophical principles and attitude to food.

Vegan and vegetarian - difference

Vegetarianism is a useful food system, excluding from the diet food of animal origin. This is the style of all life, aimed at improving the body and harmony with the outside world, without causing harm to animals. Vegetarianism has several subgroups:

To understand how vegan differs from a vegetarian, one can consider the food system and the basic ideology. According to which the vegan has a wide range of restrictions in food and the selection of things for the wardrobe, interior items. Prohibited:

Vegan is also called Old Vegetarians. Such a person will never decorate his house with horns of animals, even if the noble deer have thrown them off on their own. Vegan will find such an act inhumane and unaesthetic attitude to the outside world, and a vegetarian is unlikely to express his protest on this matter. Almost all vegans are in the society for the protection of animals, because even an aquarium with fish in an apartment for such people is a nightmare and inhumane attitude to the lesser brothers.

Why become vegan?

Becoming a vegan - to abandon the traditional habitual meal, change the standard approach to everyday issues and lifestyle. What are the reasons for becoming a vegan:

  1. Meat - a source of protein, it promotes the development of cardiovascular diseases, increases cholesterol in the blood, can provoke problems in digestion.
  2. Keeping the animals alive - do not eat a piece of meat, do not buy a leather jacket, etc. Animals will stop growing on farms and poultry farms - to reduce the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which they consume. The population of the planet will switch to a healthy diet, and ecology will improve.
  3. Weight loss and improvement of the general physical condition of the body. The use of positive fats - they quickly break down and restore metabolism for normal functioning.
  4. Food poisoning by traditional products of animal origin . Prepare borsch from rotten cabbage or bake rotten beetroot is unlikely to work, but spoiled fish and meat, corrected by taste enhancers, sometimes involuntarily fall into our diet.
  5. Imitation of world celebrities and idols.

Is veganism harmful?

If a person decided to become a vegan, several important accents should be considered. Everyone is well aware that each person is unique, as is the method of nutrition. What one organism takes advantage of is not necessarily useful for another. The main harm of vegetation is the lack of important nutrients contained only in animal fats.

Studies show that 92% of vegans lack vitamin B12. They have lowered the level of creatine (reduced energy in the cells), docosahexaenoic acid (the active form of omega-3 fatty acids) and testosterone. Feeding young children exclusively with products of plant origin adversely affects the needs of the growing body.

What can not be eaten by vegans?

Vegans are strict gourmets, they do not consume a large amount of food that a vegetarian will allow themselves to eat. When asked whether vegan fish eat, the answer is unequivocal - no. Seafood, dairy products, honey become unacceptable discarded products. Fish is a living being, and murder for saturation is horror. To get milk, the cow is tortured. Beekeepers kill extra drones and queens to increase honey reserves.

What do vegans eat?

Foods of plant origin are the main diet of what can be eaten by vegans. Replenishing the energy necessary for a healthy lifestyle can be the first serious problem for beginner vegans. With all the variety of products needed for the full functioning of the body, the supplement necessarily includes an additive - synthesized vitamins B12 and D.

What do vegans eat in the winter?

You can make a full diet of vegans using the list of the main products available to each consumer:

Where do vegans take protein?

The lack of protein in the human body, it is also called a protein, can lead to disturbances. It is the main material for building cells and consists of 22 amino acids. The body is able to produce 14 amino acids, the remaining 8 enter the body with food. The main protein products for vegans:

Vegan Menu

The daily diet of vegan should consist of a variety of dishes. The menu must include:

  1. Vegetable soups and soups-mashed potatoes, cereals with nuts and dried fruits.
  2. Vegetables and fruit - from them prepare fresh salads, sauces, different casseroles.
  3. Fruit and berry juices and smoothies, drinks and herbal tinctures, compotes, herbal tea.
  4. Desserts - halva, candied fruits, oatmeal cookies, sweet fruit pies.

How to become a vegan - where to start?

A unequivocal answer to the question of how to become a vegan is difficult to give. Each person has his own reasons for changing the way of life. Some make a decision easily and one day exclude from the diet all products of animal origin. On the contrary, small, but sure, steps need to go through a difficult path. To begin with, exclude red meat from the diet, then poultry meat, dairy products - mark your achievements and if you are comfortable continue to move in the right direction.

Why do not like vegans

Disputes between meat eaters and vegans have been going on for a long time. If we consider the arguments of the parties separately, we can say that each of them is right. Vegan sarcastic trolling is associated with the fact that they sharply oppose the usual things and criticize the lifestyle of others, imposing a "correct" opinion. Vegans abandoning leather and wool items, are against keeping pets in apartments, do not attend a circus and a zoo, a dolphinarium.

Famous Vegans

Among the world celebrities there are well-known vegans, idols with millions of fans - Hollywood stars, sportsmen and businessmen. These are purposeful individuals with a strong character - to have millions and severely restrict themselves in eating. Among the most famous vegans:

  1. Steve Jobs - vegan. In 1977, Apple was founded. The diet of Steve Jobs at that time consisted of fruits. As a college student, he read the book "Diet of a Little Planet" and decided to give up meat. In a mature life, he could not eat for weeks - eating carrots or smoothies.
  2. Natalie Portman is a vegan. A talented actress, with an attractive appearance, a producer, a film director and a screenwriter. She refused meat, having read Jonathan Safran Foer's book "Meat. Eating Animals ». An ardent defender of animal rights and the environment - does not wear fur and skin. In 2007, I launched a line for the production of footwear from artificial materials.
  3. Joaquin Phoenix is vegan. A famous actor, a successful screenwriter and producer. In 2003, Joaquin participated in the filming of the documentary "Earthmen", which shows the cruel attitude of man to the world of animals. She is part of the organization "In Defense of Animals" and "People for Ethical Treatment of Animals".
  4. Mike Tyson is vegan. The most famous professional boxer with a world name, inscribed in the history of boxing. "Iron Mike" since 2009 has been vegan.
  5. Conor McGregor is vegan. Irish fighter in mixed martial arts. It is at the top of the Sherdog ranking - in the list of the best fighters, regardless of the weight category.
  6. Miley Cyrus is vegan. American singer and talented actress. She received world fame, having played the main role in the film "Khana Montana" According to the PETA 2015 is recognized as "the sexiest vegan of the world". Numerous photos of Miley with animals in Instagram - talk about her love for animals.