Salads for nursing mothers - recipes

Nutrition of a woman during lactation should be healthy and varied. However, given the fact that there is no time to prepare delicious dishes for newly mummified, why not supplement the menu with useful and easy-to-prepare salads.

Fruit, vegetable, with the addition of seafood or meat, seasoned with vegetable oil - they will replenish the supplies of exhausted after the birth of the body, do not harm the figure and save precious minutes for rest.

Today we will tell you what salads you can eat for nursing mothers and share the best recipes. Already in the first days after giving birth, a woman can indulge herself with a simple salad of boiled vegetables and low-fat meat. Of course, at first it's better to give up such ingredients as cabbage, legumes, corn, tomatoes. These products can cause increased gas production and allergies in the baby. Also under the ban is mayonnaise and spices. Later, when the body of crumbs gets stronger and adapts to the new conditions of life, the mother can gradually introduce new foods into her diet, so that the dishes can become tastier and richer.

Recipes of tasty and useful salads for nursing mothers

  1. Caesar salad".
  2. Ingredients:

  • Salad with liver and carrots.
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    Such dietary salads for nursing mothers can be eaten even in the first month after childbirth.

  • Salad with beets.
  • Ingredients:

  • Salad "Miracle" from cauliflower.
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  • "Budgetary"
  • Ingredients:

  • Salad from beet and corn.
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  • Salad "Fish place".
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