Rapid weight loss

Most often, women prefer fast weight loss, as for a long time to limit themselves in food can not all, and the ability to lose a few pounds in a short period of time - sounds quite tempting.

Secrets of rapid weight loss

  1. The main condition of any weight loss is proper nutrition. Every day should start with a hearty breakfast, so you get the energy you need for the whole day, and the calories eaten will gradually be consumed throughout the day. In the daily diet for rapid weight loss should be a lot of protein, little fat and carbohydrates. Try to eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, vitamins and minerals. Products for rapid weight loss include: fruits, vegetables, sour-milk products, fish, honey, greens, etc.
  2. It is very important to observe the correct water balance. The amount of water necessary for the body during slimming should be at least 2 liters. Many will think that this is unrealistic, although it is only 8 glasses. If there is not enough water in the body, the metabolic processes are slowed down, and the body accumulates it in reserve. That is, you may have swelling and excess pounds. Water is necessary for cleansing the body, maintaining muscle tone, maintaining the skin in good condition.
  3. It is very important for losing weight - the proper operation of the liver, as it is in it that enzymes are produced that split fat. Therefore, if you want to get rid of extra pounds, check with your doctor how your liver works.
  4. Reduce the amount of stress in your life to a minimum. In stressful situations, substances are released in the body that adversely affect metabolism. Slimming is very important for a healthy sleep, so sleep at least 8 hours. By the way in a dream the organism too burns calories.
  5. Walk in the open air. Oxygen is very important for the body, as it promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat. Evening or afternoon walks will not only improve your mood, but also strengthen immunity.

Ways of fast growing thin

There are a huge number of options that differ not only in duration and results, but also in permitted and forbidden products. Example of fast diet for 1 week:

  1. The first day. The whole day it is necessary to drink only pure still water.
  2. Second day. The menu is also very modest - 1 apple and 1 liter of kefir.
  3. The third day. And again you can only water.
  4. Day four. The menu of this day is more extensive: a salad of carrots, cabbage and greens, which can be filled with vegetable oil. Drink other than water can be green tea, but without sugar.
  5. Day five. All day, drink low-fat milk.
  6. The sixth day. Morning start with tea and 1 egg, closer to dinner you can afford a vegetable broth, made from any vegetables. In the afternoon, you can 100 grams of meat and peas. In the evening, eat only apples .
  7. The seventh day. It is allowed 100 g of cottage cheese, low-fat kefir or milk.

The result of this weight loss will please you, as you can lose up to 10 kg.

Harm to rapid weight loss

Of course, in a short time to lose many kilograms is impossible without consequences.

  1. Fast diets can disrupt metabolism and detrimentally affect the work of the intestines.
  2. Your psychological state can significantly worsen. Irritability and fatigue will be constantly present in life.
  3. In case of emergency weight loss, the skin can not quickly pull up and therefore, most likely it will hang. In addition, there is a great chance to get ugly stretch marks on the hips and abdomen.
  4. There is a great chance that the excess weight will return after a while, and more than it was.