Biscuit roll with jam

Today we will tell you how to bake a delicious biscuit roll with jam. Its preparation does not take much time, but the result will certainly please.

The recipe for a biscuit roll with strawberry jam



The key to success in preparing a dough for a roll with jam is the freshness of the eggs and their correct whipping. So, we always divide the fresh eggs into squirrels and yolks, making sure that all the utensils with which we work are clean and do not contain a drop of water or fat. To the yolks, add half of the sugar and grate until lightening. Whip the whites with a pinch of citric acid with a mixer or blender to a thick foam, gradually adding the remaining sugar.

Now we connect the proteins with yolks and mix the sifted flour with accurate movements from the bottom up, preferably no more than five to seven times, so that the dough for the roll with jam turns out to be quite magnificent. Pour it on a sheet of oiled foil or parchment with a pan and bake in the oven at a temperature of 185 degrees for fifteen minutes. Then we take out the biscuit from the oven, immediately smear it with jam and turn off the roll, which we put on the dish with a seam down and put it in the refrigerator to cool and soak for about two hours. Then sprinkle the roll with powdered sugar or pour any topping, cut into pieces and serve it to the table.

Biscuit roll with custard and raspberry jam


For the test:

For custard and filling:


First, prepare the custard. To do this, mix half of the milk's standard with flour until homogeneity and complete dissolution of the lumps and pour into a boiling milk with sugar in a thin trickle. Cook the mass until thick, continuously stirring.

To prepare the sponge cake, the yolks separated from the whites are beaten with granulated sugar until it is completely dissolved. Separately whisk the proteins to a thick foam. Now add a little flour to the yolks with sugar and, alternating with small portions of whipped proteins added there, gently knead the dough. In a small baking tray, laid oiled parchment paper, pour the prepared dough and bake in preheated to 185 degrees oven for fifteen minutes. We put the finished biscuit carefully on the towel together with the parchment, turn off the rolls and let it cool completely. In the meantime, to the brewed cream, spread the softened butter and beat it up with a mixer. Now turn off the cooled sponge cake, cover it first with jam, then with the prepared cream, about one third of its total. We form a roll, cover it with the remaining cream and decorate with crushed nuts, raspberry berries and mint leaves.