How to wrap a shawarma in pita bread?

Shaurma has the most direct relation to fast food, along with hot dogs and pies. And everyone knows that fast food is harmful, both for the human digestive system and for the figure. But if you look at the items preparing shawarma, there is nothing harmful in it. It is not fried in oil, like pies. Contains a minimum of carbohydrates because of the use of pita bread, in contrast to a thick hot-dog bun. A filling contains a large number of vegetables and meat, often not even fried, and baked. Therefore shaurma is a very good snack among the day and now we will tell you how to cook it yourself and how to wrap it.

Shawarma Recipe

From the following amount of ingredients, two shawarma will be produced and you will not spend more than an hour. With the composition you can experiment with both vegetables and sauce. Also, within the framework of this recipe, we describe how to properly wrap the shawarma in oval lavash.



The fillet is well mine, dried, we get rid of unnecessary films and cut into small pieces.

Onions, too, crumble and fry a bit, add the chicken to it.

Add the spices and fry until ready, but it's important not to put out, otherwise the meat will be dry.

Cucumbers are cut into slices, and tomatoes are half-lobed. Greenery will be cut arbitrarily, like someone who loves. Mayonnaise is mixed with ketchup in equal parts and mixed until homogeneous, who likes to add garlic or onions.

Now all the products are ready, cut in half with lavash and grease one side with sauce.

We spread the stuffing from chicken to green. We wrap the edges on top and bottom of the filling. We begin to twist the shawarma into a roll starting from the right short edge.

Thus we get a roll, closed on both sides, which you can take with you on the road or on a picnic. Or simply store in the refrigerator, in separate packages, if you have done several pieces, and then reheat in the microwave. Better yet, in a frying pan, adding a little butter. So the filling will warm up, and the lavash will become toasted and crispy.

How to cook and wrap the shawarma in a round lavash at home?

For such a home-made shawarma any meat, in this case it's a chicken, is suitable. Her plus is that she quickly prepares, and shaurma, as we all know, still applies to fast food. You can also add the composition of cabbage, cheese, etc. to your taste.



Meat cut into thin slices and quickly fry in a hot frying pan, adding a little oil. At the end, generously sprinkle with salt and seasoning curry, it will add a piquant taste. Tomatoes and cucumbers cut with a small cube, the onion is best cut into smaller pieces so that it is evenly mixed with the rest of the vegetables. Also we arrive with greens and mix all vegetables. In Mayonnaise we squeeze out garlic, add mustard and barbecue sauce to sour cream, carefully mix the sauces so that all tastes mix. We spread pita bread, grease it with garlic mayonnaise.

Lay out the meat, on top of it a vegetable mixture and pour sour cream sauce. Fold the pita bread from the edges, wrap the short side to the filling and roll into a roll.

Lubricate on both sides with oil and fry in a pan grill until golden brown. In order for such a shawarma to be served on the table as a snack, cut it diagonally, decorate with greens and serve with various sauces.